CBA General Assembly 2025
April 8-10, 2025
Redondo Beach, California
2025 Theme:
Associational Churchmanship
April 8th - April 10th
Sovereign Grace Bible Church
Redondo Beach, CA
Registration Cost:
$150 per person | $200 per married couple
Checks can be mailed to Centinela Baptist Church, 4730 W. 152nd St Lawndale, CA 90260.
Message from the Host Church:
We are looking forward to welcoming all Confessional Baptist Association messengers and guests for our 2025 General Assembly. As the letter calling for the 1689 General Assembly in London states, we too hope “to consider such things that may much tend to the honour of God, and further the peace, well-being, establishment, at present, as also the future comfort of the churches.” We also hope it will be a time of spiritual refreshment for the brethren.
At this year’s General Assembly, Dr. James M. Renihan will be our keynote speaker teaching three important lessons from our Confession (26.14-15).
We also have different activities offered to our attendees and their families throughout the week, including a breakfast Friday morning with Dr. Renihan, opened to all ministers in attendance.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Pastor Jehad El Karaki. We look forward to seeing you in April, Lord-willing!
—Pastors El Karaki & Sturtevant
Dr. James Renihan, Keynote Speaker
President, Professor of Historical Theology, International Reformed Baptist Seminary
After a ministry of church planting in central Massachusetts, Dr. James Renihan and his family moved to Escondido, CA in 1998 to begin serving as Dean of the newly formed Institute of Reformed Baptist Studies. He led that work for 20 years, and when it became IRBS Theological Seminary in 2018 was appointed the first president. He has served as a pastor of churches in Massachusetts, New York and California. He is a graduate of Trinity Evangelical Divinity School (PhD), Seminary of the East (MDiv), Trinity Ministerial Academy, and Liberty Baptist College (BS). His academic work has focused on the Second London Baptist Confession and the broader Puritan theological context from which it arose.
Morning Devotionals
Pastor Samuel Gunnip
Pastor Brett Shaw
Pastor Jaime Serrano
Evening Messages
Pastor Isaiah Rugnao
Pastor David Bane
Pastor Jerry Slate
Circular Letter
Pastor David Bane
Tentative Schedule
Tuesday, April 8
8:15am - Check-in / Registration
9:00am - Devotion (Samuel Gunnip)
9:30am - Prayer & Announcements
10:00am - Roll Call of the Churches and Seating of the Messengers
10:10am - Recognition of Guests
10:20am - Reviewing and Receiving the 2024 GA Minutes
10:30am - Break
10:40am - Moderator’s Report (Corey Smith)
11:10am - Deputy Moderators’ Reports (Jehad El Karaki & John Giarrizzo)
11:40am - 2024 Financial Report (Glen Woods)
Noon - Lunch
1:30pm - New Business
2:30pm - Church Planting Spotlights
4:00pm - Associational Churchmanship (James Renihan)
5:00pm - Supper
7:00pm - Evening Session: Death of Christ (Isaiah Rugnao)
Wednesday, April 9
9:00am - Devotion (Brett Shaw)
9:30am - Prayer & Announcements
10:00am - New Business (continued)
Noon - Lunch
1:30pm - New Business (& Ladies’ Tea)
4:00pm - Associational Churchmanship (James Renihan)
5:00pm - Supper
7:00pm - Evening Session: Burial of Christ (David Bane)
Thursday, April 10
9:00am - Devotion (Jaime Serrano)
9:30am - Prayer & Announcements
10:00am - New Business (continued)
11:00am - Circular Letter (Political Virtue and David Bane)
Noon - Lunch
1:30pm - New Business (concluded), Discussion, and/or Excursion
4:00pm - Associational Churchmanship (James Renihan)
5:00pm - Supper
7:00pm - Evening Session: Resurrection of Christ (Jerry Slate)
9:00pm - Adjournment of the General Assembly
Travel Options
Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) is the best airport option as it is only about a 15-18 minute drive from the G.A. venue.
Lodging Options
Plus there are plenty of AirBnB / VRBO options in the vicinity.